25 November 2008

something for everybody.

For the health issues folks: A very interesting story about how abortion providers are trained.

For the design people: FONTS! The 'Aller Sans' font is really nice for an every day font, I think it's going to replace 'Corbel' as my default font.

For the history and juvenile lit nerds out there: Laura Ingalls Wilder's Twitter account.

For the bike riders: Speculation on whether or not Obama's transportation secretary will be a bike proponent. Survey says probably not.

Something for everyone:
Only two days left until we get past the biggest barrier to wholesale Christmas obsession (although the whole 'being a grad student' thing may cramp my style a bit). The fact that Thanksgiving has not yet happened is not stopping me from listening to Christmas music. Not even my pumpkin-pie-free state of being could keep me away from wishing I was one of Mariah's backup dancers.


Michaele said...

I know what I want for christmas... white go-go boots.

Anonymous said...

Geez...now I can get FONT advice from this blog, too? Sweet. But don't think I'm going to get totally facebooked one night and create a twitter account so I can see with LIW is up to RIGHT NOW...

melanie said...

Church of the Granny Bike: not afraid to be service-y.

I am surprised I have hidden my font obsession from this blog for so long. Ooo! That totally just gave me the idea to alter my header with one of my new fonts!!!