23 May 2008

i'm going back to 7-11 tomorrow.

So tonight I am enjoying a roommate free evening (they are in Yellowstone... I think they will make it back as the food they were taking literally took up half our living room floor) which means I am becoming hip by watching videos on MTV (which I haven't done since, oh, 1997) while sucking down a Cherry-Limeade slurpee mixed with something that rhymes with Smirnoff (the ultimate utility beverage!). Anyways, whilst on my musical journey into unfettered coolness and slurpeetasticness, I happened upon this video. I will buy this song* on iTunes based purely on the fact that I must support any band attacked by confetti and unicorns and rainbows during their studio recording process. Simply amazing. Like if I made a video, this is what it would be, though without the lip piercing because that just looks like it hurts.**

Really, what a treat. And I not just talking about the video.

*"Death to Los Campesinos!" by Los Campesinos... whom incidentally I have found out are Welsh, and not farmers but university students. I was really hoping they were playing mariachi music on MTV these days but alas no love... but at the same time there was love because there were unicorns. OMG I am so pathetically bored, it has finally come to this. Fuck it. I have to get a second job.

**And here I thought my video would be "Mo' Money, Mo Problems." Man things are really changing in America, and I am not just talking about the rapid increase in the cost of gas or our national displeasure with leadership (btw... I am so going to Rocky's protest on Wednesday... because I have nothing else to do :P). Yah that doesn't make anysense.

***Oh and while you're reading the notes, you will notice (you _will_ notice!!!) that Cycle Chic posted on Dutch bikes today... represent! woot!) Also, I love that they titled the post "Dutch treat" and will maybe have to start introducing my bike as an "Old Dutch Treat." That also sounds like the makings of a good anonymous email address, or maybe perhaps even a license plate holder that says, "My other car is an Old Dutch treat." Heh. Heh. Heh.

****also, I wonder when it became a legitimate activity to do flat punk covers of "Bloody Sunday." I mean really what is this world fucking coming too. Further reinforcing the previous **.

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