14 May 2008

omg i love john edwards.

Oh for shit's sake. I'd just finished watching "Election" after a long hard day of my roommates accidentally breaking my cool old wooden bowl and working and whatever and was kinda agreeing with Tracy Flick about how you have to be lonely to be successful (fortunately I have a bottle of wine and Bridget Jones' Diary to convince me otherwise... later) when alas I turn on the news for the first time in about a million years AND JOHN EDWARDS IS ON TV.

So I'm like-- as I throw down the Pringles and the craft project and commune with my teevee set-- OMG I LOVE JOHN EDWARDS. And what is he doing? Endorsing Obama. Now of course you know all of the things that I can say no to-- chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, macaroni and cheese, snuggling with cute little babies, throwing pencils in class-- and honestly I had to exercise some of my famous restraint because well, OMG I LOVE JOHN EDWARDS. And like, if JE was starting some kind of Southern Populist Cult for People with Good Hair, I would probably join, not because I have good hair but because OMG I LOVE EDWARDS. But I swear I was all like, "give me like 8 seconds more of this populist rant and I will sport an Obama t-shirt."

And then the pundits started talking about how strategically perfect the timing of the endorsement was and for a second I got this image in my mind of scorned Tracy standing up too soon in the gym and I knew, I just knew that at that very moment, somewhere, Hillary is looking very, very scorned. It made me sad because at the same time I really didn't like that Tracy ended up winning. That thought really only makes sense if you've seen Election or saw Slate's no longer posted video comparing Tracy and Hillary. Oh well.

I don't know how to feel about any of this. And I am still very upset about my bowl.

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