11 May 2008


Well, I did it. One year of grad school down, seven or eight to go! In a blaze of intellectual glory (please, pretend with me) I finally cranked out the last pesky, lingering paper and can now indulge in some sentiments that have been dormant for the last two painfully crazy weeks-- bust out the tissues folks-- you know, now I can go on and on about what a great year it's been and everything I've learned and all the awesomeness that's ensued since I loaded all my crap into my Honda to seek wide open spaces, room to make to big mistakes, blah...blah... blah... or I could watch "Muppet Treasure Island" with the cute niece squad.

I love how easy decision making is when there's no homework to do. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the vacation with the babes! Glad that you finished this year with flying colors, keep up the good work, you will go far my daughter!
The Queen Mum