02 April 2008

distracted to distraction.

I don't know where I first heard the phrase "distracted to distraction" but it seems like it's an apt description for how I start to feel towards the end of the semester (one.more.month.). There have been instances of it all week, but today, man! From the time I got up today I couldn't focus on anything. So much to juggle and balance-- when to start what assignment or book, when to stop working on it and go to work, when to take a break, when to have that meeting-- that every decision becomes themostimportantdecisionever and I find myself instead mindlessly clicking through the interwebs until enough time has passed that I either get to work or give up and go to bed. There are so many things that need to be done that doing anything I want to do becomes joyless and guilt-ridden-- there's that email to send, that book review to start/finish/rewrite, those hours to clock in. I have a hard time relaxing. It feels like a waste of time.

But at least I'm here, now. My life could be so different.

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