23 April 2008


BAAAAAH! I am victorious! I burned through four hundred pages of this beast in under three hours and am now an expert on conservatism! And I did it despite sleeping in this morning! I threw down the book with a big "what now, bitch!" and will probably accomplish little for the rest of the day. :)

Other things to celebrate:
The Pope likes kitties, and was kind of a cat lady before he went to the Vatican-- perhaps the best news story of the week, or maybe even ever.

Cute little puddings! Omg I am so making these if I ever have time or ever make it to the store!!! (read: sometime three or four weeks from now)

Hillary won in Pennsylvania! The primaries persist! (j/k... I so wish this biz would end)

Ben Folds is putting on a show tonight in Salt Lake AND I'M GOING!!!! YAY FOR A CULMINATION OF TEN YEARS OF MUSICAL LOVE!!!

Lastly, I leave you with some sage advice I received from an emeritus professor this morning-- keeping up with the superlative tone of this post, it was perhaps the best advice ever:
"Have a good one, and try to stay ahead of the cops."


Anonymous said...

I kind of like it when you just ramble on about seemingly unrelated things, but somehow get a point acrost. (You like that? Let me say it again...ACROST.)

Except when you're drunk; then you're just rambling.

melanie said...

I get so excited when I get comments. :)

I got acrosted one time. (?)

Will said...

One of the advantages of being part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy is that I've met George Nash. I'm glad to see he gets mainstream respect.