01 March 2008


I'm officially void of cleverness, but I feel that it is probably appropriate to tack up a little update on what's been going on down here in the SLC. Other than the fact that the glorious rain has just turned to snow *grumbles*.

1. I found the perfect cup of coffee. Hint: It is not the sludge I brewed up at the American West Center today. Thank goodness for the redeeming effects of half and half.

2. These are nice for sore throats.

3. I have what smells like a thesis topic. An analysis of female conservatism and how the Eagle Forum came to be so powerful in Utah. Will feature many oral history interviews with lovable right-wingers, including those who give the stink-eye over domestic partnership laws. This should be an enlightening project. Hopefully my advisory committee will be solid by the end of the week. I am so relieved.

4. I'm translating part of this and reading part of this. The latter is infinitely more fun.

5. I come home in less than two weeks, people! Stock up on the Mothership and get ready to eat some teriyaki!

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