22 September 2009

school of hard knocks.

Yesterday I ordered a helmet online.

Today I fell off my bike.

I should have known it was going to happen. I was feeling psychic all day, from the "I should put some ibuprofen in my bag" (didn't) in the morning when I left to when I was sailing down 12th Street thinking "I really wish I had my helmet for days when I had to take streets I was unfamiliar with." A couple minutes later, my tires got caught in a cluster eff-you-see-kay of vestigial trolley tracks, and down I went.

In front of a bus.

Which fortunately, was at a stop, but really, the view of a bus from fifteen feet away, on the pavement, is quite a sight to behold. I scrambled up as the twenty people at various points of the sidewalk asked if I was ok, absolutely mortified. It's an Old Dutch! I'm not supposed to fall off my Old Dutch! I was never going to fall off this bike!

Well I did, and thanks be to god, I was unharmed. I landed on my generously naturally padded hip and my reasonably brawny/squishy shoulder/upper arm, and managed not to hit my head. Not a scratch, not a road rash, and not even the beginnings of a bruise. I got up and walked away. Even the bike was ok.

I can't get over how lucky I was.


Unknown said...

which helmet did you order?

melanie said...


spiderleggreen said...

it's nice to get your first fall out of the way, without injury.

Dottie said...

Happy to hear that you are okay! I know how you feel about the falling-of-a-Dutch-bike thing. I've fallen twice, both times while on my Dutch bike, never while speeding around on my other bike. I think falling from a Dutch bike results in less injury, though. Maybe.

Will said...

Hm, I remember you saying you didn't need a helmet last summer and me disagreeing...told you so!

melanie said...

For what it's worth Will, my cycling experience has completely changed from what it was last summer (particularly from when I owned a car). One lives and learns, adjusting with experience...