18 May 2009

monday funnies.

I've been loving PhDComics' series trying to justify Humanities graduate students. Read it here.

This is priceless:

13 May 2009

blog hiatus.

Now that I've moved out of Utah and into my career as a hobo, I'll be blogging a little less frequently for the next while.  Cheers!

09 May 2009

five things.

5 things I loved about my family's visit to SLC:
1. The way my dad checks out electrical work everywhere he goes.
2. Speaking in movie quote code with Big Brother.
3. Getting ready for the day with my mom.
4. The craziness that ensues when we're all together-- does your family have in-depth discussions about recycling over breakfast?
5. That they all came just to see me graduate. It means a lot to me and I am happily exhausted.

Special thanks to Big Sister who held down the fort in T-Town!

07 May 2009

if mrs. obama wants to exercise, i want to exercise too.

Michelle Obama and Muppets? Yesssss!

the art of ron mueck.

Jezebel posted this picture of the work of hyper-realist Ron Mueck today. The sculptures are cast in fiberglass resin and then painted. Very cool stuff-- I love how he celebrates the beauty of average looking bodies.

05 May 2009

thank you sweet jesus.

"Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway"

Off topic: This story on face transplants made me teary eyed.

degree in a box.

Every syllabus, assignment (save the one left to turn in), draft, rejection letter, release form, ounce of suffering and individual sin (the latter two chronicled in the journal inside) that it took to get a Masters degree, all in one tidy box. Call me vain and self-important, but someday when I donate my papers to a library they are going to really appreciate all this organization.

What makes me vain and self-important is half wishing there would be a fight for my papers, like when Stanford got all pissed that Wallace Stegner left his papers to Utah. I know, I know, dream big...

03 May 2009

a minimalist, a structuralist, and a pragmatist, oh my.

For once, I think Maureen Dowd was spot on with her article "When Character Corrodes" about the tragicomedy of Republicans' sudden call for checks and balances. The article alludes to this bit about how Obama's experience with constitutional law will impact how he selects a Supreme Court justice. I am absolutely thrilled about Obama getting the chance to choose-- I don't think any president in recent history has been as well equipped to make such a nomination.

Recalling the horrified way my Constitutional Law professor in my undergrad reacted to Alito's confirmation (which occurred during the course of the class), I like to imagine she is somewhere in Ballard doing a little jig. Exciting stuff, for sure.

Bonus: An informational first-hand account about what it's like to live in the Dutch welfare state. My inner libertarian is quieted as the socialist on the other shoulder tells me how fantastic this is.