06 April 2008

procrastination disguised as inspiration.

So it's kind of a slow news day / weekend as far as I go. I'll summarize life since Friday:

*odd probing chat at Nepalese lunch buffet with stranger from LA about friend, who like her daughter, was admitted to Yale Law School. Creepy.

*homemade cosmos followed up by lovely bottle of buttery California chardonnay

*donut madness

*onset of sore throat; did nothing all day but sleep and watch Birth of a Nation (which is like sleeping)

*biography of Ella Baker inspired self-loathing about lack of involvement in social change, followed by brief tears and trip to Target. Typical.

Because of my complete and total descent into boringtasticness, I present you with some internet goodness to inspire you in ways that I can't. For instance:

Two world leaders dressed as twinsies! (click to enlarge) I think that's so cute!
Too bad they were talking about missiles instead of something happy like puppies or Mark Penn resigning. :( Their look totally takes me back to middle school spirit week when it was hot to dress like your BFF.

If that picture doesn't warm your heart, at least the pictures and descriptions on trashyeats.com will make you throw up in your mouth or inspire you to go eat an apple or something. :)

Now if either of those don't make you feel good, take two and wait until Thursday! Yay for The Office and 30 Rock and Scrubs coming back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Trashy Eats shoutout!
